Member Companies

Since 1991, VetFran has grown to a family of some 600 member companies, representing virtually every sector of the franchise community. VetFran continues to grow by about 10% each year, as more and more companies recognize that veterans make great franchisees and that the veterans already in their system tend to be over-performers and leaders.

Upcoming Events

As a franchisor committed to recruiting and supporting veterans, the VetFran calendar is your one stop shop to learn about events your franchise development team should know about. From recruiting fairs to expos, from educational sessions to entrepreneurship presentations, the VetFran calendar brings together industry events, VetFran originals and third party events of interest to our community. Most importantly, you should see this calendar as an opportunity. Your veteran franchisees can lead an event of their own in their local community, sharing the story of their entrepreneurial journey with their community. You can also email us and let us know if you have veteran-focused events that you’d like to have added to our calendar.