Create My Veteran Franchisee Profile

Creating this profile takes less than five minutes and will put your business location on a national searchable map that consumers can use to take their business to veteran-owned franchises. It will also unlock your access to unique opportunities and resources, like local speaking opportunities, writing an op-ed with us, and getting your business featured on our blog or social media.

Franchisee Information

If your franchisor is not yet a member of VetFran, encourage them to join and let us know as well at

This is the name that will display on the map. Ex: Burger King. Most likely the same as your Brand above.

If you are a multi-unit franchisee, you will need to create a separate profile for each location you’d like displayed. If you are a home-based franchise and don’t want your home address visible, only fill out the city and state.

Check this box if you are single-unit franchisee or If you are a multi-unit franchisee and are creating multiple profiles, check this box if this is the location closest to your home. We use this information to connect you with local opportunities.

For contacting you, not your business; will NOT be publically visible.

For consumers wanting to contact your business; will be publically visible.

For consumers wanting to find you online, will be publically visible.

For customers wanting to connect with you, will be publically visible.

For customers wanting to connect with you, will be publically visible.

Account Information

Will be publically visible for consumers.

If you are creating profiles for multiple locations, this will need to be unique for each one. (Ex: JohnSmith1, JohnSmith2…)

Password must include eight characters, capital letter, and a number.